The PAU and GESCI team

Erick Gankam Tambo is Research Coordinator at Pan African University Institute for Water and Energy Sciences (incl. Climate Change) PAUWES and Associate Academic Officer Head of Pan African Cooperation and Educational Technologies (PACET) at United Nations University Vice Rectorate in Europe (UNU-ViE). He holds a PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science/Cooperative Systems, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany, and is an expert in various areas including: Educational technologies and instructional design; computer supported teaching/learning systems for developing countries; Endogenous/Appropriated Technologies and Local Innovation; socio-technical systems to support the North-South knowledge transfer; socio-technical systems to support the interaction between Africa and its Diaspora (Learning/Teaching, Science/Research, Working, Innovation and Entrepreneurship); Knowledge and Innovation Management in distributed Organizations and Social Software; Open Content, eLibraries and Open Educational Resources (OER).

David holds a MSc. In Energy Engineering from the 2iE institute of Engineering in Burkina Faso, and a PhD in Energy systems, with specialization in the technical and economic approaches for off-grid energy systems optimization (France and Burkina Faso). He is an energy expert with over 10 years of experience in designing energy systems, project management and capacity building in energy related sectors and has undertaken multiple assignments in Central and West Africa in the renewable energy sectors. His main areas of expertise include hybrid mini-grid systems, off-grid renewable energy systems and energy efficiency. Additionally, David has an extensive experience in teaching in several higher education institutes in Mali, Burkina Faso and Cameroon where he delivered different lectures on the thematic of renewable energies.

Axel Nguedia holds a MSc. in Energy Engineering from the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, in Algeria. His MSc. thesis investigated the use of Open Source tool (OSEMOSys) in the optimization of energy systems and investment planning in Africa, in the context of climate change. Axel research’s interest is in energy access with specific focus on sustainable use of renewable energy resources. He is further interested in the use of Information and Communication Technologies in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Currently, he is working as a Research Associate in the Pan African Cooperation and Educational Technologies (PACET) programme of the United Nations University and is seconded at the Pan African university Institute of Water and Energy Sciences as Assistant to the research coordinator where he contributes to the research activities.

PhD in Theoretical Physics, former head of the physics department at the preparatory school of science and technology in Tlemcen (Algeria), former assistant of the vice-rector of post-graduation and research and of the vice-rector of international relations at the University of Tlemcen, project officer for the outcome R6 University Industry Partnership of the Algerian-European program PAPS. He is private sector coordinator in charge of the Employability and Entrepreneurship Unit at PAUWES with the main task of developing partnerships with private and public companies, institutions, NGOs and Start-ups. He is also in charge of running and monitoring of the career service activities and Entrepreneurship activities at PAUWES and also developing the concept of PAU entrepreneurship Hub and its implementation (including activities and processes.)

Jerome Morrisey is the CEO of GESCI. He has wide-ranging experience in working with enterprise, ICT innovation Centres and establishing the continuum from skills training to jobs, start-ups and enterprise creation –especially for the development of the cultural industries. Jerome Morrissey has collaborated effectively with industry for many years and worked through several MoUs which focused on enriching the learning experience of young people and to provide new skills for enterprise and employment through the incorporation of ICT.

Angela Arnott, is an expert in results-based management, with specializations in education management information systems, finance and sector assessment and has worked as a Team Leader for project/program design, development, management and evaluation for international development agencies. She has led many institutional/management reviews and sector assessments of education ministries in numerous African countries (and one Asian). Angela has a masters degree in education policy and management with over 17 years work experience in the education sector.

Elisabeth is an education specialist at GESCI. She holds a Master of Flexible Learning from the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) – Australia. She has a vast experience in local/international educational reforms and requirements including Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Curriculum Development, Teacher Education and Training and Project Implementation. She has extensive hands on experience in the use of Open Education Resources including use of ICTs and Open Distance Learning (ODL) technologies to design/adapt and offer evidence based new and/or existing courses through a variety of modes of learning delivery. She is a renowned international designer for interactive and engaging learning instruction and possesses excellent abilities in adaptation and application of sound pedagogic principles.