Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

Assoc. Prof. Misbahu Ladan Mohammed
Transforming Energy AccessDr Misbahu Ladan Mohammed is currently the Head of Department of Energy and Applied Chemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. His research interests focus on innovative greener and sustainable processes using heterogeneous catalysis, efficient utilization of renewable energy resources and synthesis of lubricant additives. He has been involved in the teaching and supervision of M.Sc. Renewable Energy research projects in his department since 2015. His research in this field focuses on clean energy and technology for cooking and lightning. He has supervised a number of M.Sc. projects to successful completion in the area of biofuels, solar thermal and hybrid solar PV-Diesel systems. He got promoted to the rank of Reader (Associate Professor) in the area of Applied Chemistry and Catalysis in January 2020.

Prof. Mu’azu Musa
Transforming Energy AccessProf Mu’azu Musa has served as the Head of Technical Services Unit, Solar Thermal Unit, Wind and Meteorology Units of Sokoto Energy Research Centre, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He has participated in different committees including Governing Board of Sokoto Energy Research Centre; committee on the establishment of integrated renewable energy village at Danjawa village and committee on establishment of Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy. He has published over 30 articles in National and International journals. He supervised 3 P.hDs and over 15 M.Sc Dissertations to successful completions. He is a COREN registered Mechanical Engineer, a Fellow of the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria, a Member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, National Institute of Physics and the World Society for Sustainable Energy Technologies.

Dr. Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto
Transforming Energy AccessAbdullahi Muhammad Sokoto obtained his Ph.D. in Renewable Energy Studies from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria in 2013. His research interest is in green fuels. He had the opportunity of visiting some research institutes including Institute of Advanced Technology of University Putra Malaysia 1n 2010, Indian Institute of Petroleum in 2015 as a Fellow for Research Training Fellowship for Developing Countries Scientists (RTF–DSC). He was a postdoctoral research fellow under CV Raman Fellowship for African Scientists program in 2017. He supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate students’ research projects to successful completion as major or co-supervisor. He is presently the Head of Department of Pure and Environmental Chemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. He published several articles that cut across multi-disciplinary areas in refutable journals.

Prof. Garba Musa Argungu
Transforming Energy AccessProf. Garba Musa Argungu is a Professor of Renewable Energy currently under the Department of Physics, Faculty of Physical and computing sciences. He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 2021. His research interests focuses on investigation on the renewable energy resource potentials. He has been involved in the teaching and supervision of post graduate Thesis and Dissertation in Renewable Energy research at both Physics Department and the Department of Energy and Applied Chemistry since 2014. His research area is in the field of solar and wind energy resource assessment, technology and application. He has supervised a number of Ph.D. and M.Sc. projects to successful completion in the area of solar photovoltaic, wind and solar-wind hybrid systems.