University of Rwanda

Dr. Eustache Hakizimana
Transforming Energy AccessDr. Eustache Hakizimana is a Lecturer in the Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department in the school of Engineering, College of Science and Technology, University of Rwanda. He holds a B.Sc. Degree in mechanical engineering from Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in 2011, a Msc. Degree in Resources, Energy Engineering from Chonbuck National University (South-Korea) in 2014, and a Ph.D. degree in Renewable Energy from the University Rwanda through the African Centre of Excellence in Energy for Sustainable Development (ACEESD), in 2022. His main research interests include mechanical design, modelling, simulation and optimisation of mechanical systems, energy resources, energy engineering and sustainability, renewable energy and integration. He participated in 2 research projects (1. GREATER Project: Growing Rwanda Energy Awareness Through highER education, funded by Erasmus+ Projects, 2. TEA-LP: Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership, funded by the UK Aid, through the University of Cape Town) and has authored 7 peer-reviewed publications.

Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye
Transforming Energy AccessDr. Bernard is the head of the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering in the school of Engineering , UR-College of Science and Technology. Dr. Bernard is also a Senior Lecturer of Control Systems Engineering and dynamics of Machines. He holds a BSc. degree in Electromechanical Engineering from the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology, Rwanda, in 2004, an MSc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya, in 2010, a Ph.D. degree in Mechatronics from the University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway. His main research interests include modelling and simulation of dynamic systems, different models simulations (with a mathematical modelling approach), and control of electromechanical systems. Dr. Bernard is a reviewer of different MDPI journals and a member of IEEE and has published 8 conference papers and 7 peer reviewed journal papers. Dr. Bernard is a Principal Investigator of two research projects (E-Tractor Research and Development, Design and
Manufacturing of a Smart COVID-19 Tracking System). Furthermore, Dr. Bernard has supervised 16 Final year undergraduate projects , 2 Master projects and 1 PhD project.

Dr Emmanuel Ufiteyezu
Transforming Energy AccessDr. Emmanuel Ufiteyezu is an Information and communication engineer, acting Director of the African Center of Excellence in Energy for Sustainable Development, and a lecturer at the University of Rwanda, College of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering with expertise in wireless networks, wireless sensors, control systems, millimeter waves, massive MIMO, mobile communications, antennas, and Energy optimisation on telecommunication system, and renewable energy. Dr. Emmanuel holds a Ph.D. degree in Information and communication engineering from the Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; an MSc. degree in electrical engineering and systems of telecommunications from the University of Sciences and Technology, Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria and a BSc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Guelma, Guelma, Algeria.
His current research interests are general in Renewable energy, Power Systems Engineering and Energy policy making field, Information Communication Technology, Mathematics modelling tools, high linearity wireless communication receivers, mobile & and wireless communications, Broadcasting Engineering, Satellite Broadband Communications, Multimedia Communication and networks, VLSI Design Methods, Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuits, Energy-efficient parallel computing, Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Power Allocation in Wireless Networks.

Dr. Jean Marie Bikorimana
Transforming Energy AccessDr. Jean Marie Bikorimana is an electrical engineer and a senior lecturer at the University of Rwanda with expertise in Energy Management, Renewable Energy Modelling, and Power Electronics Applied on Energy Systems, Electrical drives and control. Dr Jean Marie holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Gent University where he worked on project entitled Single-phase grid connected inverter with DC link voltage modulation, and a masters from University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA in Electrical Engineering where he worked on a project entitled A Low-Power Floating-Turbine Generation System for Small Rural Communities. He holds a Bsc. in electrical engineering from the National University of Rwanda. Jean Marie also works at African Center of Excellence in Energy and Sustainable Development (ACE-ESD). Now, Dr. Jean Marie is involved in different projects related to PV. Collaborating with Prof. Alex Van den den Bossche from Ghent University, He has been developing a DC-DC converter for a PV DC direct use.