Mulungushi University

Dr. Adrian Phiri

Dr. Adrian Phiri

Dr. Adrian Phiri holds a Ph.D. in Disaster Studies from North-West University, South Africa, and a Masters degree in Environmental Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Zambia. He is a Lecturer, Consultant, and Researcher in Climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction and management employed at Mulungushi University in the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Adrian Phiri is the former Director of research and Postgraduate studies. He is among the developers of the Master’s degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development (MCCSD) in partnership with Southern Africa Research University Association (SARUA) with University of Cape Town. He is involved in teaching, research and supervision of post graduate studies in climate change and sustainable development.

He is involved in development and facilitating short courses in climate change for Civil Society Organizations such as World Vision International Zambia, Care International Zambia, Oxfam, and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) among others. He has been involved in research and consultancy for the United Nations (UNDP GEF), and National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa on COVID-19 lessons learned in Zambia. He has been an active member and founder of the Southern Africa Association of Disaster Reduction (SASDiR). His research interest is in Climate change adaptation strategies, the use of indigenous knowledge in early warning systems, and community-based disaster risk reduction interventions.

Dr. Mitulo Silengo

Dr. Mitulo Silengo

Dr.Mitulo Silengo holds a Ph.D., in Environmental Resources from the University of Salford, United Kingdom focusing on Environmental Resources Policy and Management; an MA in Environmental Planning from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, and a BA Ed. (Physical Geography) University of Zambia. He also holds a Diploma in International Environmental Law from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Geneva, and a Diploma in Integrated Water Resources Management from the Galilee International Management Institute, Israel.

He is currently serving as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences and coordinates the SARUA Masters in Climate Change and Sustainable Development. He previously served as the Director of the Disaster Management Training Centre at Mulungushi University.He has also served as a Member of the African Union Commission – Africa Science and Technology Advisory Board on Disaster Risk Reduction and a past Board Member (Zambia) for the Leadership for Environment and Development – Southern and East Africa Programme.

He has been involved in the ESIA for the Southern Africa Power Pool/African Development Bank – Zambia Electricity Supply Company (ZESCO)/Société Nationale d’Electricité (SNEL) Kolwezi-Solwezi 330 kV Transmission Line Power Interconnector Project and the Zambia-Tanzania Interconnector Power; Industrial Development Corporation (Zambia) Limited – Scaling Solar Zambia Project; and the New Africa Power Run-of- River Hydropower Projects in Kawambwa District.