A significant milestone reached in driving sustainable energy access in Kenya

JKUAT MSc in Energy Technology students ready to take on three TEA-LP courses as part of their masters’ programme. Source: JKUAT

TEA-LP partner university Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) has welcomed their first cohort who will be taking the new TEA-LP courses in their MSc in Energy Technology at the Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IEET). JKUAT is delivering all three of the TEA-LP courses; Local Solutions for Energy Access, Mini-grids: Planning and Design, and Appliances for Off-grid Communities. Each course covers a variety of topics including technology, policy, business models and socio-economic aspects of energy access, using a case study approach, and highlighting best examples of global and regional solutions as well as national and local solutions. We are so excited to see the first of many cohorts begin their MSc journey with TEA-LP and wish this group of remarkable students all the best!