First cohort of the TEA-LP course at Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) visits Spectra Solar Park On-Grid Power Plant
On 25 May 2024, 15 students plus 2 faculty members of the MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at IUB went on a field trip to the Spectra Solar Park On-Grid Power Plant.
The Spectra Solar Park Limited (SSPL) is one of the major on-grid solar power plants in Bangladesh. It covers an area of 140 acres in Manikganj. The plant is 45 MW peak direct current ground-mounted solar photovoltaic panels (37,520 solar polycrystalline panels each of 330 W) with associated electrical equipment. The project has a capacity of supplying 35.5 MW and is expected to generate 50,000 MWh of clean electricity which will avoid 33,200t of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) a year.
The participants gained practical experience of a large solar power plant including its testing and commissioning challenges, government policies and updated tariff rates, net metering and the necessary equipment with control and protection systems.
The field trip was organised by the Green Energy Research Centre, IUB.