Efficiency for Access


How Do Off-Grid Appliances Enhance Climate Resilience?


17 September 2020


3:00 PM – 4:30 PM SAST

Affordable, high-performing appliances can facilitate clean energy access for households in resource-constrained settings, enhance their resilience to the growing threat of climate change and their ability to respond to unexpected disruptions such as Covid-19.

Solar water pumps present a clean energy solution for irrigation during droughts, which are expected to increase in frequency & severity. Cold chain solutions can extend the quality and shelf life of fresh fruit and vegetables, helping smallholder farmers to increase the value of their produce. Clean cookstoves displace the use of traditional, biomass fuels, which can reduce carbon emissions and ambient air pollution.

Apart from the above issues, the off-grid appliance sector must also be mindful of its carbon footprint. For instance, the lack of service providers in many developing countries prevents effective recycling of off-grid solar products. High global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants are also released into the atmosphere when fridges are disposed of inappropriately.

Efficiency for Access will explore these crucial issues through a live conversation with energy access industry leaders on 17 September. We will also examine what the energy access sector can do to improve its carbon footprint.

Chaired by Jeffrey Prins, Head – Renewable Energy Portfolio, IKEA Foundation, the event will comprise a moderated discussion with a panel of experts followed by a Q&A.

  • Agenda – Scene setting presentation (15 minutes)
  • Moderated discussion (30 minutes)
  • Audience Q&A (45 minutes)


  • Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Non-Executive Director, KCEP, Climate Works
  • Dr Joni Cook, Research Administrator, Modern Energy Cooking Services Programme
  • Habiba Ali, CEO, Sosai
  • Tracy Dolan, Head of Knowledge Management, EEP Africa

Register for the event here.