TEA-LP presentation to the CESET Working Group

30 September 2021

TEA-LP were generously invited by the Community Energy Systems and Sustainable Energy Transitions in Ethiopia, Malawi and Mozambique (CESET) to present and participate at their September monthly meeting on Monday 6th. The focus of the meeting was on energy-relevant teaching and learning activities in East Africa. Guy Cunliffe presented and gave an overview of the curriculum and programme development achievements of the TEA-LP, and its partner universities’, to date – a copy of the presentation can be found below.

TEA-LP has joined up with CESET as part of their Regional Energy Learning Alliance visit their website to learn more about their activities, publications and related work, with the objective of supporting, mobilising and integrating communities to play a core, synergistic and proactive role in enabling the clean energy transition in Africa. It is hoped that TEA-LP and CESET will continue discussions to develop the partnership into 2022.

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