The inaugural cohort of Strathmore’s MSc. SET graduates

The Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) is delighted to congratulate Strathmore University’s very first cohort of ten students of the Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Transitions (MSc. SET) on their recent graduation. The multi-disciplinary programme, with it’s focus on research, data analytics, policy and entrepreneurship directly addresses the United Nation’s SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). This first cohort has already seen profound advances in their careers as a direct result of the course. It has also sparked the development of a PhD programme which is currently underway. Congratulations to all!

Professor Izael Da Silva shared more about the programme’s development, successes and future plans:

Strathmore University is taking on the global energy crisis head-on with its Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Transitions (MSc. SET) program. Housed within the School of Computing and Engineering Sciences (SCES) at Strathmore University, this program aims to address barriers to universal energy access, particularly in developing countries.

Several graduates from Strathmore’s first cohort of Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Transitions. Source: Strathmore University

There is a growing need for sustainable energy solutions to counter climate change and meet the surge in demand for energy in different sectors including manufacturing, agriculture, health and transport. The concepts of de-carbonisation (reducing greenhouse gas emissions), decentralisation (enabling localised energy systems), digitalisation (smart energy management systems), and democratisation (shift in control over energy resources towards a more inclusive and participatory model) therefore encouraged and shaped the design of the MSc SET curriculum.

Recognizing that traditional technical solutions are insufficient on their own to provide comprehensive energy remedies, the program adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, producing graduates equipped to navigate the intricate policy, economic, and social landscapes influencing energy transitions. The program’s emphasis on research, data analytics, policy aspects and entrepreneurship further strengthens its commitment to driving innovation in the energy sector by providing a deep understanding of how the energy ecosystem operates. The program provides industry exposure and encourages the concepts of ‘Linking Industry With Academia (LIWA)’ and ‘Triple Helix’ which champion for the need for collaboration between academia, industry and government by encouraging the inclusion of these stakeholders in energy activities.

The MSc SET program was developed with funding from UK aid from the UK government via the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform. TEA’s dedication to building a highly skilled workforce in sustainable energy is evident in its instrumental role in providing Strathmore University, through the Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP), with the support and necessary resources to deliver the avant-garde MSc. SET masters’ program. The program’s main focus directly contributes to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, Affordable and Clean Energy. It also contributes to other SDGs including SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). This program was designed by multidisciplinary experts and empowers students to make a real difference in achieving energy access targets in their home countries and beyond.

The MS. SET program boasts an impressive network of international collaborators, including Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP), Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development (LISD) and the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) program. These partnerships offer students invaluable opportunities for international exposure, guest lectures and collaborative research projects.

The inaugural cohort of the MSc. SET program graduated in June 2024 and was a diverse group of 10 individuals, each with their unique motivation for joining the course, but equal in their desire to contribute to the acceleration of renewable and sustainable energy adoption in Africa. The program’s comprehensive curriculum was a major draw for many students. Additionally, Strathmore University’s reputation for academic excellence and the program’s assurance of completion within two years were significant motivating factors.
The program has had a profound impact on the professional development of its graduates. Most have been promoted and/or have had opportunities to engage with key stakeholders in the energy sector who challenged and motivated them professionally. It reignited a passion for energy modeling in some, especially as the CCG program contributed ready-made modeling tools to enhance their understanding of energy transition dynamics. Other students have found the soft skills acquired during the program to be invaluable in enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness at work. The program has also enabled graduates to undertake projects related to energy as a whole, including the development of electrification roadmaps and energy efficiency policies.

The graduates identified several aspects of the MSc SET program as being particularly valuable. These include the dedication, enthusiasm and guidance of the experienced faculty during lecture sessions and research, practical aspects including lab sessions and industrial visits/talks, capstone projects, networking and collaboration opportunities and the overall environment within the university.

While the MSc SET program has been highly successful, the graduates have also identified some areas for improvement. These include providing more support in identifying thesis topics, incorporating professional certifications in the program and increasing the emphasis on energy modeling and data analytics training.
The graduates also suggested that the program is ideally suited to advancing sustainable development and that a PhD program should be considered to further enhance its impact (This is already under development and will be launched soon!). They have also encouraged future students to fully engage with the program and leverage the network of professionals and industry experts it offers.

The MSc. SET program is not just a degree; it’s a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and collective growth in energy access education. With its innovative approach and strong partnerships, Strathmore University is leading the charge in shaping the future of sustainable energy.

– Written by Professor Izael Pereira Da Silva