The TEA-LP is a partnership of African, South Asian and Indo-Pacific universities committed to delivering professional graduates ready to drive the transition to sustainable energy access for all.
Our Partner Universities are committed to developing, implementing and evolving new first-of-its-kind postgraduate curricula in Africa, South Asia and Indo-Pacific, offering students the opportunity to develop skills and expertise sorely needed to advance the sustainable energy transition. By early 2022, 6 of our partner universities launched their new programmes and over 90 post-graduate students were enrolled in their Masters studies focused on energy access.
The TEA-LP Team supports our partners through workshops, webinars dedicated guidance on curriculum development, course planning, marketing and accreditation. We also have a Scholarship programme, in partnership with and generously supported by the Liechtenstein Institute for Sustainable Development, to enable students to access and enrol in the new programmes.
TEA-LP is part of the Transforming Energy Access platform, a research and innovation platform supporting the technologies, business models and skills needed to enable an inclusive clean energy transition.
As part of its scale-up, the TEA-LP has increased both the number of participating universities and its geographical coverage, adding 23 universities in Africa, South Asia and the Indo-Pacific region to the existing partnership.
The TEA-LP is hosted by the African Climate and Development Institute at the University of Cape Town.
The ACDI is UCT’s collective response to the challenge of climate change in the context of sustainable development in Africa. It is an inter- and transdisciplinary research and training institute co-generating new evidence and innovations to solve Africa’s climate and development challenges.