Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

Prof. Joseph Ngugi Kamau

Prof. Joseph Ngugi Kamau

Prof. Joseph Ngugi Kamau, PhD. is a researcher and associate professor of renewable energy in the department of Physics. He joined JKUAT in June, 1992

He is currently serving as the Director, Institute of Energy and environmental technology (IEET), JKUAT. The institute deals with research and consultancies in the areas pertaining to energy, environment, occupational safety and health issues. The institute also offers post-graduate degrees in the same areas. As the Director, Prof. Kamau is the research, academic and administrative head at the institute.

He has served as a lead researcher in various research consultancies with REREC, JICA, LECRD and JKUAT. Currently, he is the lead researcher in a multidisciplinary/multi institutional project entitled, “Development of small wind-solar hybrid system for electrification of rural households in Kenya”.

Prof Kamau has supervised over 40 post-graduate students including three PhD Students to completion. His research interests include areas in energy management and conservation (Solar, Wind, Biomass and Green Hydrogen among others). He has done over 75 publications, 50 of which are in refereed international journals. He has also co-authored a book, Technology of heat exchanger for solar power- A practical approach. ISBN: 978-3-659-89754-2. Copyright 2016. He has also developed three modules on renewable energy.

Dr Francis Xavier Ochieng

Dr Francis Xavier Ochieng

Dr Xavier is a renowned Senior International consultant on Renewable energy technologies, Energy transitions and energy economics. He has a B.Sc (Appropriate Technology) from Kenyatta University in Kenya, A M.Sc. (Renewable Energy) from Oldenburg University in Germany and lastly a PhD in Energy technologies from University of Nottingham, UK.  He is also a certified Environmental and Social Impact (ESIA), as well as a certified Measurement and certification expert and Certified Energy Manager. His main research interests are in Wind energy, Solar PV and biomass system. He is currently the head of the Energy section at the Institute of energy and Environmental Technology (IEET), where he also doubles up as a lecturer.